When I am in the middle of a storm, help me choose thankfulness.

When life is calm and the sun is shining, help me choose thankfulness.

When I am exhausted and feel that I can go on no longer, help me choose thankfulness.

When I am refreshed and energetic, help me choose thankfulness.

When I experience physical pain, help me choose thankfulness.

When I enjoy good health and strength, help me choose thankfulness.

When my feelings get hurt and it seems no one cares, help me choose thankfulness.

When I have many friends and my life is full of laughter, help me choose thankfulness.

In a season of need when I don’t know where my next meal is coming from, help me choose thankfulness.

In a season of abundant blessing as my cup overflows, help me choose thankfulness.

When my children are on my last nerve, help me choose thankfulness.

When my children have grown, moved out, and the house is quiet, help me choose thankfulness.

When my path is unsure and I don’t know which direction to go next, help me choose thankfulness.

When the next step is obvious and I’m walking close with you, help me choose thankfulness.

Seasons in life come and go; the good with the bad. In whatever circumstance I face, I have learned to be content and with your help, I choose thankfulness.

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” -1 Thessalonians 5:18